Dependable Counsel Through the Probate and Estate Settlement Process
When there is a death in the family, the world turns upside down. Bills need to be paid, the funeral arranged, and often relatives come out of the woodwork. You are also immediately faced with a host of unfamiliar financial and legal complexities. It is vital to handle these issues, which fall under the process of estate settlement, probate, or trust administration, with extreme care. Grathwol Keating PA is here to help guide you through the process to safe harbor. We have comprehensive experience with all aspects of the probate and estate process in Minnesota.
Attorneys Pook and Jessica will offer the knowledgeable counsel and strong representation you will need to cross the finish line of what may feel like a complex legal marathon. We break it down for you, and help you take it step by step.
We help you get set up to pay bills, secure, and collect the assets. When the time comes, and after taxes are paid, we help the person in charge pay the beneficiaries their shares. If you are the appointed personal representative (executor), we can help you understand your duties and fulfill them so that you are protected from possible disputes among the heirs and from personal liability.
What is Probate, and How do I get Through It?
Designed to settle the affairs of a deceased individual, probate is a court-administered process in which a judge determines if a valid will exists, decides who will be the personal representative for the estate, and approves the plan for distribution of assets. The primary function of the probate process is to determine what property was owned by the deceased, to pay off valid creditors, and legally distribute the assets to the rightful heirs. To complete this process many considerations and several steps must be taken.
The prospect of probate can seem intimidating, but you don’t have to face it alone. At Grathwol Keating PA, we are experienced at helping clients through the probate process. Probate can typically last 12 -18 months and we will help you every step of the way. You may be surprised to learn not all estates require a probate. If the estate is less than $75,000 we can collect the assets using an affidavit.
We’re here to help. With over three decades of experience advising clients on a variety of probate and estate settlement matters, the lawyers at Grathwol Keating PA have it down to a streamlined process. It may seem impossibly distant at the outset, but we’ll get you across that finish line.